Ingredients: 2 whole chickens, soy sauce, dijon mustard, 6 lemons, an onion and fresh herbs from my neighbors and my own garden (or from the grocery store in the dead of winter.)

The marinade is so simple I did not bother to do photos. It is just 1 cup dijon mustard, 1/2 cup soy sauce and the juice from 6 lemons (approximately 1/2 to 1 cup.) Rinse and dry the chickens, stuff them with the lemon rinds and about 1/4 of a large onion along with some of the fresh herbs. Place the rest of the herbs on top of the chicken or under the skin of the breast (that is what I like to do). Then pour on the marinade.

Cook at 425 degrees basting often until the thigh meat reaches a temperature of 180 degrees (full instruction below)
This is yummmy yummy chicken. The original recipe said to make gravy from the left over marinade and drippings in the bottom of the pan, but my family found it too mustardy so I usually serve garlic mashed potatoes or herbed oven roasted potatoes with this. I like to make 2 or even 3 chickens so there are leftovers.
Lemon Dijon Roast Chicken
Adapted from a recipe by Cristina Ferrare found on the Oprah website (The recipe is as I orignially found it with my adaptations in blue.)
2 chickens , 4 1/2 to 5 pounds each
6 lemons
A poultry mix of fresh herbs: Rosemary, sage, thyme, parsley and oregano work well
Marinade for one or two chickens (the original recipe called for this amount of marinade for one chicken and for each chicken to roast in the oven in it's own pan. Since I roast them together in a counter top roaster I find one recipe to be enough for both since basically you just need the basting liquid for optimal flavor.)
1 cup Dijon mustard ( This really depends on how much dijon mustard flavor you like it can be reduced by half if you want.)
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup juice from fresh lemon (don't discard lemon rinds) ( I use whatever amount of juice comes out of the 6 lemons it is usually closer to 1 cup)
To make marinade: Place all ingredients in a nonreactive bowl. Whisk with a wire whisk until ingredients are incorporated well—the marinade should have a smooth and creamy consistency.
To make roasted chicken: Preheat oven to 425°.
Clean chickens well and pat dry. Place each chicken in its own baking dish. (I put them both or even 3 together in an electric roaster that sits on the counter. I really think they would be fine in the oven together in a larger baking dish as well.)
Stuff cavities with lemon rinds and fresh herbs. A poultry mix is fine, usually consisting of rosemary, sage, thyme, parsley and oregano. (I also use 1/4 to 1/2 onion stuffed in the cavity with the lemon rinds and herbs, as well as putting some of the herbs under the skin of the breast.)
Pour marinade over chicken. Add cracked pepper and remaining herbs to the top of each chicken.
Place an oven thermometer in each chicken and cover with aluminum foil. Place on the lower rack of the oven. Bake for 1 1/2 hours, then remove the aluminum foil. Baste with a basting bulb. Keep basting often, every 15 minutes until the thermometer reads 180°.
I use left over chicken for Chicken Pesto Pasta. Just toss with cooked pasta and pesto.