Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Grandma Van Project (Temporarily Sidelined due to our upcoming MOVE)

Starting tomorrow as soon as we can, my girls and I will be regularly cooking and posting a recipe from my Mother-in-law's personal recipe collection.

Nancy (aka Grandma Van) passed away a little over a year ago. Before she died I talked to her about doing this project. The end goal is to make a nicely bound real cookbook for each member of the family. I will be using this blog as a way for family members to get their hands on the recipes as we go as well as a way for them to share memories associated with each dish.

The girls and I plan to make and photograph EVERYTHING!!! Including the famous Tuna Jell-o (I am more than a little afraid of that one.)

We have no specific plan for this thing, so if any family members would like to make requests to see certain recipes sooner rather than later, we will certainly do our best to make it happen. In all honesty, I don't even know which recipe we will make tomorrow.

This should be fun!!!